Groundhog Day Theme

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Groundhog Day is celebrated every year on February 2nd. According to the legend, on this morning, if a groundhog can see its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter. If it cannot see its shadow, spring is on the way. This is a great time to teach children about shadows, weather and the groundhog himself.

Groundhog Songs

The Little Groundhog (Tune: The Hokey-Pokey)
The little groundhog peeks
From beneath the ground.
He rubs his sleepy eyes and he starts to look around.
He sees his little shadow; then he quickly runs away!
And that's all for Groundhog Day! Hey!

I'm a Little Groundhog (Tune: I'm a Little Teapot)
Variation A
I'm a little groundhog,
Small and round.
I sleep in a burrow
Deep in the ground.
I look to find my shadow
On Groundhog Day
To tell you if spring is
On its way!

Variation B
I'm a little groundhog, short and stout.
On Groundhog Day I pop my head out.
If I see my shadow I don't come out.
I stay down in my hole and pout.

Variation C
I'm a little groundhog, furry and brown,
See me pop while I look around,
If I see my shadow, down I'll go
Six more weeks of winter, oh no!

Groundhog, Groundhog (Tune: Baa, Baa Black Sheep)
Groundhog, Groundhog Will you come out?
Yes sir, Yes sir If the sun is not about.
Groundhog, Groundhog The sun is shining bright.
Then I'll hop back in and curl up tight!

Groundhog Art Activities

Groundhog Pop-up Puppet
Use a popsickle stick for the body and a pompom or felt cutout for the head, Decorate as desired to make a groundhog face. Decorate a small paper cup for the burrow. Poke a hole in the bottom of the cup and turn the cup upside down. Lower the stick with the puppet into the cup. Push the stick up to have the groundhog pop-up.

Shadow Drawing
Tape white paper onto the wall and have children hold their hands or an object in front of it, while shining a flashlight. Trace the outline of the shadows. Or have each child stand sideways next to a piece of paper mounted on a wall, and trace his/her silhouette. Have the children take turns trying to trace other children's shadows.

Groundhog Math and Science

Groundhog Graphing
Free Pocket Chart Graphing Printable

Two-Feet Measuring
Most groundhogs are two feet long. Use a yardstick to show children two feet. Find other things in the room that are two feet long.

Groundhog Sensory Table
Place slightly moist dirt (or potting soil) into the sensory table to make burrows and "holes". Add small plastic groundhog pieces (if possible) or paper groundhogs on craft sticks (made by the children.)

Sun Painting
Place various shaped flat objects on a dark piece of construction paper. You can cut out shapes and designs or use common objects like a ruler or key. Place paper in direct sunlight for a few hours. Show children how the sunlight faded the paper, leaving dark silhouettes.

Shadow Blocks
Add flashlights to the block area. See what size block shadows the children can make with one block or a huge tower of blocks!

Groundhog Movement

Shadow Tag
On a sunny day, children can chase each other outside and try to step on each other's shadow.

Groundhog Burrow
Find a large box, like an appliance box. Have children decorate it like a groundhog burrow. Children can take turns going in the box and popping out like they are groundhogs.

More Groundhog Resources