Child Care Lounge

Marketing Your Child Care Program

$52.00 USD

This online child care training is designed for child care program owners and directors. This class features many concrete ideas and will guide participants in developing an effective marketing and promotion strategy for their program. Note: Part of the clock hours of this class requires a hands-on activity to reinforce class objectives.

Class Learning Objectives
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the four P's of Marketing
  • Create a mission statement for a child care program
  • Name a child care program
  • Create a tagline for a child care program
  • Complete a needs assessment for your program
  • Identify local competitors
  • Create attractive and effective marketing materials
  • State ways to share valuable information with an Internet marketing program
  • List specific strategies for promoting a child care 

6 clock hours/.6 ceus
