Celebrate the Color Blue Theme and Activities

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Make learning about colors fun! Here are some fun ideas to celebrate the color blue!

Blue Songs and Fingerplays

If Your Clothes Have Any Blue (Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)
If your clothes have any blue, any blue
If your clothes have any blue, any blue
If your clothes have any blue, put your finger on your shoe
If your clothes have any blue, any blue

B-l-u-e (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
B-l-u-e spells blue.
B-l-u-e spells blue.
Hi-ho did you know
B-l-u-e spells blue?
The big sky is blue.
The ocean is too.
Hi-ho did you know
B-l-u-e spells blue?

BLUE (Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
Spells the color blue.
The sky, the ocean, and some birds
Are all a beautiful blue.

We Love Blue (Tune: Three Blind Mice)
We love blue. We love blue.
Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
We love the ocean and sky so blue.
We love blue ribbons and blue jeans too.
We love blueberries, so good for you.
Yes, we love blue.

Blue Art Activities

Blue Noodle Necklace
Use blue yarn to string your blue noodles. You can dye pasta noodles by shaking 2 cups of pasta in a ziplock bag with a mix of 1/4 Cup Rubbing Alcohol and 1 tablespoon blue food coloring. Let them dry on paper towels before using.

Blue Fingerpaint
3 cups flour
2 TBSP liquid soap
3/4 cup water
Blue food coloring
* Mix all ingredients together

Blueberry Painting
Warning: this is messy and may stain clothes (have children wear a smock).
Give each child a disposable cup, about 5-10 blueberries, and about 1/4 cup of water. Allow each child to squeeze the blueberries into the water to create blue watercolor paint. Then, encourage them to create a picture using the blue paint.

Give each child a blue bird cutout, and allow them to glue blue feathers and other blue items (buttons, tissue paper, etc.) to decorate their blue bird.

Blue Math and Science

Blue Jean Graph
Count how many children are wearing blue jeans and make a graph that lists children wearing blue jeans versus not wearing blue jeans.

Blue Ocean in a Bag
Fill a ziplock bag halfway with blue hair gel. Add foam fish or other sea creatures, as well as glitter, and zip bag shut.

Blue Motor Skills and Movement

Blue Scavenger Hunt
Give each child a small brown bag and tell them to find blue objects in the room. After 3 minutes or so, have them gather back as a group and count the items they found.

Blue Snacks

Eat blueberries or make blueberry muffins.

Blue Chips and Dip
Serve blue corn tortilla chips with salsa or a favorite dip.

Blueberry Milkshakes
Mix blueberries, vanilla ice cream and ice in a blender for a tasty treat.

Read About Blue

  • Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey
  • Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionn
  • Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh