Virtual Child Care Conference Presentation List

Tentative Presentation List
DAP Classrooms for Virtual Learning Cynthia Jackson
Participants will learn how to turn their developmentally appropriate learning in the classrooms, to virtual classrooms that are engaging and appropriate for children.
Thriving in a Responsive Classroom Prerna Richards
Providing responsive care is at the heart of teaching but many teachers struggle with understanding how to help children to thrive in their care. We will discuss the challenging behaviors as they relate to the brain states and the teachers will leave this session better prepared to manage the stressors of the job and practical strategies to help children.
Rock, Roll and Read!” Music and Literacy Celebration Beth Green the Music Lady, M.Ed, I.T.A.
CALLING ALL TEACHERS, ONE AND ALL...COME ON DOWN AND HAVE A BALL! Get your curriculum training hours PLUS take home new seasonal songs, musical literacy ideas, sign language, and have some rhythmic music & movement fun while Integrating the Arts! Wiggle, laugh, sign and sing in a SAFE environment celebrating your inner musical child! Music, Spanish, Sign Language, Literacy & Movement Fun!
How Can I Keep Doing This? Finding Ways To Prevent Burnout And Have a Sustainable Teaching Future Dr. Kathryn Murray
Social and emotional well-being for children is an important factor in our work – but what about the social and emotional well-being of the teacher, especially in these Covid times? It is widely known that sustainability of a career in education is dependent on mental and physical health. Having sustainable approaches to teaching allows us to bring calm into the online or offline classroom, develop creativity for teaching experiences and have clarity in the planning and documentation of learning.
Helping Children Develop Social Justice Skills in Early Childhood Shannon B. Wanless, PhD. Ashley Shafer, M.S., Alexandria Grant-Presser, M.S.
This online child care training is designed to guide teachers and child care providers in identifying and support the development of social justice skills in early childhood. Developing social justice skills helps children identify and challenge inequity. This online workshop lesson will guide you in helping young children develop critical social justice skills as they play and learn.
Shifting From Challenge to Uplift Nancy Seibel
In these uncertain times our emotions can be all over the place. Grounding, centering and shifting our focus ourselves helps stabilize us, and that’s what we’ll do in this interactive session. You’ll find renewed energy and hope through guided visualization and a simple writing exercise. No writing skills or experience needed! Your writing remains private.
The Spirit of Play: How to Explain the Value of Play to Families, Supervisors and Policymakers Makers Richard Cohen
This fun, engaging session explores why children need to play, how they are learning through play, the changing face of play in contemporary society and the role of the adult who facilitates children’s play. The session looks at children’s play from neurological, developmental, anthropological and cultural perspectives. As you may have already guessed, this interactive keynote includes audience games, songs and a healthy balance of intellectual and laughing matters.
The Four Learning Discourses: Classroom Chatter that Really Matters! Crystal Elliott-O’Connor
One of the strongest methods for supporting learning in the early childhood classroom is still authentic opportunities to talk! This session presents a highly effective framework for four types of communication that teachers can use to be intentional about fostering a culture of discourse in their learning environments.
STREAM-lining Early Childhood Education: Creative Instructional Designs to Advance Innovative Practices Kimbelry Honnick, Ed.D.
Learn about a Blended Learning Instructional Model with a STREAM focus that incorporates technology, small group instruction, and projects that children can work on in school, at home, or both. The three components of the Blended Learning Model that will be discussed are technology applications, rich tasks, and projects that allow children to demonstrate learning in personalized, innovative, and creative ways.
How to Support Young Children Who May Display Challenging Behaviors Annette Serwanga ,M.A.Ed.
I will provide strategies to support teachers working with students with challenging behaviors. I will also prepare preventative methods to create a better environment for your students.
Family and Community Engagement 2.0 Jewel Davis-Tombul
Identify the difference between family involvement and family engagement, gain strategies to encourage family engagement, and assess program practices related to family engagement. Explore strategies to encourage community agencies and organization to partner with ECE programs.
Fostering Social Skills while Maintaining Physical Distancing in Child Care Centers Kristin Miller, M. Ed.
During this virtual session, participants will gain insight and awareness of the importance of maintaining social interaction and skills in early childhood education for our children; while also being provided practical and engaging ideas for activities to promote physical distancing between children in care. This session will be full of factual information, engaging ideas, helpful resources, and we will collaborate together with like-minded professionals, virtually!
Ways to Survive a Recession Jay Whitney
Covid-19 has & is putting most all childcare center’s financial health at risk.We will explore ways for childcare centers to survive a recession by:
Lowering Loan Payments to Lower Overhead/Improve Cashflow:
Re-amortizing your mortgage over 20 to 25 years… with a Lower Interest Rate…Eliminate balloon payments and loan covenants
Access Additional Working Capital to Increase your Liquidity:
Many childcare centers burned through their cash reserves while their centers were impacted by the Covid-19 shutdown.
Talking about Bullying: Using a Consistent Language to Describe Peer Aggression Leigh Anne Kraemer-Naser
Bullying affects as many as 1 in 4 American children. A majority of parents, children, and school employees have reported that a common language to talk about bullying is the best first step in finding a solution. This session introduces participants to the “Language of Peer Aggression” where bullying is defined by its type, the roles of those involved, and the level of severity.
Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom Laura Eldredge and Tressa Giordano
This session will discuss and demonstrate ways early educators can use technology to enhance curriculum, communicate with families, support students with disabilities, and provide professional development opportunities. Participants will be given a tour of a variety of tools and websites they can use in their teaching, and to streamline some of the other necessary tasks involved in their jobs.
Mindset Mastery to Soar in Challenging Times Julie Bartkus
If you're feeling bad - what kind of action do you take? And, what kind of results do you get in your life? In this session, Julie Bartkus will share with directors and owners, mindset shifts that will change and uplift your energy so that you take inspired action. Action that is totally aligned with your vision and leaves you soaring in challenging times. If you're feeling stuck on any level, this session is for you.
What You Heard is Not What I Meant: Effective Communication Tools to Build Strong Educator/Family Relationships-Wilma Gold
Participants will leave this workshop with clear, specific strategies and tools to support positive communication between school and home. the workshop includes practice, discussion and handouts that educators can implement on Monday morning! You can begin right away to improve communication especially in conversation regarding challenging topics such as child behavior issues, staff/administration mentoring and teacher/child conflict resolution.