Flower Theme and Activities
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Celebrate flower power during spring or the month of May, when it is National Flower Month. Set up a flower shop in your dramatic play area and let children take orders, arrange flowers, and deliver flowers to classmates. Also, check out our How Does Your Garden Grow? Theme to coincide with the flower theme.
Flower Songs and Fingerplays
The Seed (Tune: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
I'm a little planted seed
See the rain falling on me
Sun shines down through the trees
These are things I need indeed.
Oh, how happy they make me.
I'm a little growing seed.
Parts of the Plants (Tune: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)
Do you know the parts of plants, parts of plants?
Do you know the parts of plants, parts of plants?
All kinds of plants that grow and grow and grow.
Do you know the parts of plants, parts of plants?
The roots hold the plant in place, plant in place.
The roots hold the plant in place, plant in place.
The roots store food and water too.
The roots hold the plant in place, plant in place.
The stem moves water up the plant, up the plant.
The stem moves water up the plant, up the plant.
The stem brings water to the leaves.
The stem moves water up the plant, up the plant.
The leaves soak up the sun, soak up the sun.
The leaves soak up the sun, soak up the sun.
The sun helps the plant to grow and grow and grow.
The leaves soak up the sun, soak up the sun.
The flower grows into a fruit, into a fruit.
The flower grows into a fruit, into a fruit.
Inside the fruit are little, tiny seeds.
The flower grows into a fruit, into a fruit.
Flower Parts (Tune: Farmer in the Dell)
The flower has some roots, the flower has some roots.
The roots will carry food and drink, the flower has some roots.
The flower has a stem, the flower has a stem.
The stem will make it stand up tall, the flower has a stem.
The flower has some leaves, the flower has some leaves.
The leaves will catch the rain and sun, the flower has some leaves.
The flower has some petals, the flower has some petals.
The petals call the birds and bees, the flower has some petals.
Flower Art Activities
Flaten a paper baking cup and glue a second baking cup on the center. Decorate and attach to a pipe cleaner stem.
Paper Plate Flowers
Give each child a paper plate, and have them cut out petals construction paper, then attach them around the paper plate.
Flower Crown
Fold a paper plate in half. Cut along the line and across the center, each time start cutting one inch from the border. Open up plate and fold back the points. Cut each point longways to make 8 spires. Children can glue on dried rose petals or other flowers and seeds to decorate.
Spool Flower Painting
Dip spools in paint and make stamps on paper. When dry, draw or paint stems onto the spool flowers.
Soda Bottle Flower Painting
Dip the bottom of soda bottles into paint to create flowers.
Flower Math and Science
Flower Sorting
Provide children with a variety of artificial flowers from the dollar store. Have them sort flowers by color, type, etc.
Flower Sensory Table
Ask a flower shop for flowers that are about to be thrown away. Put them in your science area with magnifying glasses. Allow children to explore the parts of the flower - different colors, shapes, veins, temperature, and textures.
Drinking Flowers
Fill a clear glass with water and add enough food coloring to turn the water in each glass a different color. Cut the stem of a carnation and place it in the glass. This will let kids see how flowers drink water.
Flower Motor Skills and Movement
Growing Flowers
Have children pretend to be seeds by crunching up on the floor. Have another child walk around with an empty watering can and 'water' the seeds. As they are 'watered', the children can 'grow'. Have them stand up slowly and stretch their arms out until they are a full-grown flower.
Flower Snacks
Sunflower Seeds
Enjoy sunflower seeds that are either shelled or in the shell (depending on the age of the children).
Fruit Flowers
Give children sliced strawberries, bananas, pears, apples, and melon in oval and circular shapes. Let the children create a flower on their plates. After admiring the flowers, they can enjoy the fruit.
Other Flower Resources
- Flowers Coloring Pages
- How Does Your Garden Grow? - Garden Activites for young children
- Flower Activity Pages for Preschool
- Wonderful collection of flower activities for your preschoolers