Oh, Christmas Tree! Theme and Activities
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The Christmas tree is a well known symbol of the holiday. Learn more about the wonderful tradition and find great ways to celebrate.
Christmas Tree Facts
Learn More About the Christmas Tree:
- 2-3 seedlings are planted for every harvested Christmas tree.
- Christmas trees take 7-10 years to mature.
- Christmas trees are grown in all 50 states.
- Oregon produces the most real Christmas trees.
- 73 million new Christmas trees will be planted this year.
- The top selling Christmas trees are Balsam fir, Douglas fir, and Scotch Pine.

Sing "Oh, Christmas Tree!"
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree,
of all the trees most lovely
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree,
of all the trees most lovely
Each year you bring to me delight,
meaning in the Christmas night
Oh Christmas tree, oh Dhristmas tree,
of all the trees most lovely
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree,
with faithful leaves unchanging
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree,
with faithful leaves unchanging
Your boughs are green,
in sommers glow and do not
fade in winters snow
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree,
with faithful leaves unchanging
Each year you bring to me delight,
meaning in the christmas night
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree,
of all the trees most lovely.
Make Christmas Trees
Snow-Covered Trees
Paint pine cones green. Cover pine cones with whipped Ivory Flakes. You can add on glitter for additional decoration.
Hand Print Tree
Have children trace handprints on green construction paper. Cut out the hands and help children glue them in a form of a pyramid. Have fingers face outward to add to the illusion of branches. Decorate.
Decorate The Tree
Cinnamon Scented Ornaments
-1 cup cinnamon
-1 T. cloves
-1 T. nutmeg
-3/4 C. applesauce
-2 T. white glue
Mix ingredients until you have a smooth dough. Roll out dough to 1/4 inch thickness and cut with cookie cutters. Be sure to make a hole in the top. Place aside and let dry for a few days.
Hanging Lids
Punch a hole in the lid of a frozen juice can and allow children to decorate with a variety of craft materials.
Silver Bells Ornaments
Puch a hole in the top of a dixie paper cup. Loop wire or a pipe cleaner through for hanger. Leave extra wire hanging in the center and attach a small craft bell. Cover the cup with tin foil and glue on glitter or decorations.
Beaded Wreath or Candy Cane
Form the desired shape of a ring or hook with a pipe cleaner. Allow older children to string on colored beads. By alternating red and white beads on the hook, a candy cane is made. Simply bend over the last section of the pipe cleaner to secure. Attach a red ribbon to a ring of green beads for the wreath.