Online Child Care Training Approved in Delaware

Learn More About Our Online Classes

Anyone, anywhere is welcome to enroll in one of our online child care classes. If your state does have a training approval process, that information is detailed below. Your state may not specifically approve trainings toward the required hours of professional development that you need each year. If so, you may use these classes! Please note that you may also use these class hours towards 120 hours needed for the CDA certificate.

Online child care training for Delaware

    • Our classes may be used for community-based training (for annual training hours), as there is no approval process for Level 1 Classes. The Office of Child Care Licensing (OCCL) continues to accept such training (but please check with your specific licensor before taking a class). As stated by the Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood, "Community-based training is a professional development opportunity offered by an entrepreneurial trainer or training agency that provides (offers) the early childhood workforce another option to obtain training hours to fulfill qualification and training requirements. This type of training may be considered Level I training in the new framework for professional development developed by the Department of Education. Level I training is not subject to quality assurance by the Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood, nor are trainers required to demonstrate their qualifications and competencies as is required at the other levels of training."
    • Our classes are NOT approved by the Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood, as they are not approving any online coursework for organizations other than NACCRRA, NAEYC and Zero to Three. We will check back annually to see if this policy has changed.
    • Classes Available: All of Child Care Lounge classes are available in Delaware. View the directory of all online classes.
    • Upon completion of a class, we will send you a certificate reflecting the class title, student name, hours of training, and date of completion.


Each class is listed below in its appropriate Delaware Core Area.

Child Development

Developmental Curriculum Planning/Environment and Curriculum

Observation and Assessment

Positive Behavior Management/Social-Emotional Development

Health, Safety, Physical Activity, and Nutrition

Family and Community


Management and Administration