Online Child Care Training Approved in Oregon

Learn More About Our Online Classes

Our online childcare classes are approved by the Oregon Registry. Anyone, anywhere is welcome to enroll in one of our online child care classes. If your state does have a training approval process, that information is detailed below. Your state may not specifically approve trainings toward the required hours of professional development that you need each year. If so, you may use these classes! Please note that you may also use these class hours towards 120 hours needed for the CDA certificate.


    • Trainer Joni Levine has been approved with the Oregon Registry as a Master Trainer to deliver training sessions at Core Body of Knowledge Set One, Set Two, and Set Three. All classes are accepted to be used by child care providers for Community Training Sessions (Set One Standards). Check back for approvals in the Set Two and Set Three Standards.  

      If you are not in the Oregon Registry, classes may be used toward the required 15 clock hours of training or education related to child care.


online classes in Oregon
    • Upon completion of a class, we will send you a certificate reflecting the class title, student name, hours of training, date of completion, and the child age group category.
  • If you are a provider interested in starting an in-home child care program or looking to get started working in the child care field, please contact the Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) for the specific child care licensing requirements, rules and regulations of your state.