PA. STARS Standards and Online Classes

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How Child Care Lounge Online Classes Relate to PA. STARS Standards

STAR 2: Required Performance Standards
EC.2.2-Lessons plans reflect
a balance of activities that support developmentally appropriate learning through
Moving and Grooving
Preschool Science
Preschool Math
Using Books and Stories
Gather Round for Circle Time
Learning Through Play
Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Managing Mixed Age Groups

SQ.2.3 -Individualized annual professional development plans are developed for on-site Program Leadership and Staff to support educational achievement and  professional growth.
Proud to Be a Professional
EC.2.4-Program adopts policies, practices and supports regarding inclusion.
Autism in a child care setting
FC.2.3-Program has a policy and/or practice in place to support and encourage family
engagement. . A minimum of one family conference is offered per year to discuss
children’s progress and behavioral, social, and physical need…
Promoting Family Partnerships
Reporting Concerns

LM.2.2-Current personnel and program operation policies are utilized to support
understanding of program policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities
Best Ideas in Staff Management

STAR 3 & 4 Required Performance Standards

    3.4.4-Professional development regarding the support of social and emotional development of children must be completed by all teaching staff and program leadership within 1 year of hire.
      Separation Anxiety
      Taming Temper Tantrums
      Infant and Toddler Care
      Routines and Relationships
      Social and Emotional Skills Build School  Success
        3.4.5-Professional development that promotes positive interactions with children and families must be completed by all teaching staff and program leadership within 1 year of hire
          Toddlers: Terrific or Terrible
          Promoting Family Partnerships
          The Anti-bias approach
          Positive Discipline
            3.4.9-Professional development that prepares staff to work with young children who have special needs must be completed by all teaching staff and program leadership within 1 year of hire.

              Autism in a child care setting
              SQ.3.4.10-Non-instructional staff receive information and professional development on:
              developmentally appropriate practices; diversity; age-appropriate standards; and appropriate child-adult interactions.
              Antibias Approach
              EC.3.4.1-Program implements an approved developmentally and culturally appropriate
              learning curriculum 

              Antibias Approach
              Developmentally Appropriate Practice

              FC.3.4.1-A plan is written and implemented describing procedures to refer families to
              appropriate social, mental health, educational, wellness, and medical services
              Reporting Concerns

                3.4.6-Staff meetings are held at least once per month. Agendas are focused on

                professional development activities and include discussions of quality and its impact on the program. 

                Becoming Part of a Professional Team
                Best Ideas in Staff Management