Preschool Classroom Block Area (Construction)
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Make sure you have plenty of space for the block area so children can build elaborate structures.
- Concept development (shape, size, balance, contrast, one-to-one correspondence, counting, matching, sorting, spatial relationships, grouping, classifying, problem-solving, length, height, weight, leverage, geometric shapes, etc.)
- Conceptualization
- Cooperation/social skills
Supervision and Tips:
- Encourage children to only build as high as they can reach while standing on the floor.
- Do not allow children to throw or crash blocks. Say "Blocks are for building. They can really hurt if you get hit with one."
- Allow children to work out their own differences, facilitating only if a child seems frightened or endangered, or the situation is at an impasse.
- Encourage children to put the blocks away before leaving the area to do something else.
- Use logistical problems in building as opportunities for children to learn
- Label the block shelf with corresponding shadows for children to match