Volunteer. Get Involved in Your Childcare
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The value of family involvement and volunteering in child care is widely recognized. Family involvement benefits the child care program, the family, and most importantly, the child.
Most child care programs are eager to welcome parent volunteers, and some will inform you of specific volunteer opportunties. If not, don't be afraid to ask. Even if you are very busy there are way you can contribute. Here are just a few possibilities.
Volunteer in the Classroom
- Serve as a playground or lunchroom monitor
- Be an escort or driver on field trips
- Share a hobby or demonstrate a craft to the class
- Read a book or tell a favorite tale from your childhood
- Put on a mini-performance with your guitar, fiddle, etc.,
Volunteer at Home
- Cut out patterns or help prepare art projects
- Repair books or toys
- Design and/or manage the program's website
- Tape a story for the class to hear
- Help gather materials and supplies such as old magazine, or fabric scraps