Customized Child Care Forms and Handbooks

Regular price Sale price $34.99

Customized Child Care Forms and Handbooks: Details and Descriptions

When you order, we will email you with 2 business days with a survey to learn more about your needs so that we can start your project.  You can also click the title to go directly to the survey and complete it after purchase. Forms take 7-10 days, Booklets take 2-4 weeks. Terms and Conditions

Staff Interview Questions, (per job) A list of interview questions based on the job description, regulations, your mission and staffing needs.

Job Descriptions (per job), A job description based on regulations, your mission and program.

Family Handbook and Contract Includes: mission statement, program synopsis and history, annual calendar, parent involvement policies, dropoff and pick policies, payment policies, staff information and much much more!

Staff Handbook Includes: job descriptions, on-boarding and orientation procedure, time off and other benefits, pay information and much much more!

Newsletter Template, Customized with fields relevant to your program.

Weekly Theme Curriculum Chart, Designed for the age group. Includes classroom area and materials list, Circle time ideas and more!

Themed Curriculum Units, Click Here to learn about these units. We will email you to learn what theme (s) you want.

Professional Development Record Template - Reflecting state requirements and additional requirements for accreditation, QRS, competency areas etc.

Staff Evaluation Template, This tool will be in alignment to job descriptions and program mission and goals.

Child File Checklist, Based on your state regulations.

Staff File Checklist , Based on your state regulations.

Staff Orientation Checklist , This tool will be in alignment to staff regulations, and program mission and goals.

Market Survey/Needs Analysis/Competition AnalysisIncludes local demographics, potential client survey. Learn about your closest competition. Up to three competitors will be reviewed and will look at their program reviews, services,  strengths and weaknesses and more!

Complete Package Save 10% Includes all forms and booklets here. (excluding curriculum units)